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Crafty? Not Me!

Have you ever craved to do something in your life that you know darn good and well you just can’t do?  Well, before I tell you what I am talking about…..I am going to tell you a little background about that ‘something’.  I used to work in the education arena…and the gals that I worked with just loved to give me projects that the knew I just couldn’t do…like not that I didn’t want to…I strictly could no do them!  That kind of ‘can not do’ that makes you just want to cry when you are faced with it.  Now, you know, I am a Jill of many trades and I am always ready to just get in there with the best of them….but when it comes to this, no freak’n way!  I freeze, sweat, cry even…yep, that is me.

So like with most fears..if that is what it is…you really need to reach out there and find a way to face it, get over it, or deal with it being your fear.  And, for years (many years), crafting is that fear of all fears.  Guess what, yes…I am facing it!  I even joined a company just for myself…to get over this fear!  Chalk Couture is the company and I am going to work myself into a crafter before your  Ok, well, I am going to try.  So, why am I sharing this with you?  You will be my accountability partner…here it is…and you must now hold me to it lol.  SocialMedia_CC_Chalkboard.jpg

I work my businesses a lot and there is not much time for me to have ‘me’ time…so this is what I am making my ‘me’ time!  Wish me luck….  There is a method to this madness, I need to cut the stress in my life, but we will save that conversation for another time.  I am off to dream land…just needed to get this down here so that you all can ask me…where is that craft project!!!  So, don’t forget to ask….   ❤  Thank you all for following me and my is awesome for my spirit that you all are here with me….  xoxo MJ


I am an entrepreneur mom of 3 with a passion to see others step up and make their life a success. I thrive in the hustle of providing for my family as the sole earner in my household. This is the time for us to rise and let them know that we CAN do this...and WE WILL!

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