Posted in Auto Immune, Business Opportunity, CBD, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's Disease, Health, Hemp No High, Motivation, Sleep Disorders, Weight Loss

Review Time, CTFO

So on a whim, and looking for a better alternative then I was seeing, I set out to find a company that was honest, stable, had good values…and could provide me with a product that I was safe in using and referring to others.  I found that in CTFO (Changing the Future Outcome) and Pure Hemp 101.   So, I signed up (hey, it’s FREE – why not make a little money too!!), and ordered a set of sprays – now let me tell you about them…my review ❤

Pure Hemp 101 Information

Weight Loss Oral Spray:  First off, wow.  Immediately, no cravings.  AND, a great salted caramel taste, is making this even better.  Not too many weight loss goodies taste yum!!  Oral absorption is up to 90% effective, which is allowing the body to utilize the ingredients fast.  Thru these oral means, the nutrients go directly to the blood stream and cells. So the results is help to control appetite and increased metabolism, while promoting fat loss.

Energy Blast Oral Spray: Ok, so I thought what a great thing to use with my weight loss spray; because it is designed to help focus minus that familiar crash! Now, I have never been one for energy drinks, so I don’t have to replace that (but I know some of you do).  This provides a better alternative with a blend of Vit B12, A and D for energy!

Pet Health Oral Spray:  You all know I love my grandpup (sometimes more then I love my kids…shhhh), so helping him with inflammation, arthritis, and joint pain was a win win.  But, I am seeing that there is more to this for Bubba…general health (manages anxiety, mood…YAY!!) and digestion too!  He doesn’t minds the taste apparently…lol…but it can be tried on his food too!

Now these are the 3 that I have used so far…and I am liking it!!  I will be back to review the others as I use them more.  🙂  Remember, I am not making statements to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or ailments.  You can see the general information about the products on their site by clicking here.  Message me if you have any questions, or you can visit for more information 🙂



I am an entrepreneur mom of 3 with a passion to see others step up and make their life a success. I thrive in the hustle of providing for my family as the sole earner in my household. This is the time for us to rise and let them know that we CAN do this...and WE WILL!

2 thoughts on “Review Time, CTFO

  1. Hi so I just got my weight loss spray and energy spray can I use together or should I take a few sprays of one early and then a few hours later do the other? Don’t want to be hype or jittery


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