Posted in Motivation

This Day In History…

Well, I know…it seems pretty crazy to talk about what is behind us…but as I was signing on to blog tonight, I realized that today was kind of important to a few people (or maybe a lot of people…lol).  So, on this day…..just a few….Image result for interesting

1998 Dale Earnhardt wins first Daytona 500

After two decades of trying, stock-car racing great Dale Earnhardt finally wins his first Daytona 500, NASCAR’s premier event, on this day in 1998.

1903 First Teddy bear goes on sale

On this day in 1903, toy store owner and inventor Morris Michtom places two stuffed bears in his shop window, advertising them as Teddy bears. Michtom had earlier petitioned President Theodore Roosevelt for permission to use his nickname, Teddy. The president agreed and, before long, other toy manufacturers began turning out copies of Michtom’s stuffed bears, which soon became a national childhood institution.

1965 Canada adopts maple leaf flag

In accordance with a formal proclamation by Queen Elizabeth II of England, a new Canadian national flag is raised above Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the capital of Canada.


Hmmm….well, there was more but you get the idea.  It’s kind of fun to hit up the site and see what happened on this day in history!!  Who has the TimeHop app (or maybe there are other apps that do this?) on their phone, where they can go back in their own history and see Facebook posts, and the such?  I love that darn thing…sometimes it is just ok to go back in history……


I am an entrepreneur mom of 3 with a passion to see others step up and make their life a success. I thrive in the hustle of providing for my family as the sole earner in my household. This is the time for us to rise and let them know that we CAN do this...and WE WILL!

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