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Tooth Knowledge Shared

Amazing, I have been doing this…with awesome results!!  Had to share this one!!  Need more information, I would love to share –

Food for thought……great post by Scott Cook.

Did you know, or have you thought…..a drop or two of CBD oil on your toothpaste might save you a LOT of pain and money…..I put CBD onto my toothbrush every day!!!! Why?

Cannabinoids and CBD for Gum Disease

What Is Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease is a disorder of the gum muscle and bone. Unlike gingivitis, periodontitis is linked with the inevitable destruction of the bone supporting the teeth in. Gum hollows start up within the root and gum and function as reservoirs for bacteria if not treated. The extent of bone damage differs from person to person, but if it is not treated it can lead directly to tooth loss.

NOW…..remember that CBD has fantastic anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties (that is why pesticides and other chemicals are not needed to grow hemp)….

Up to 70% of the adult community will apparently get some periodontal infection, and 20% will squander a significant amount of teeth if they do not accept surgery as their best option.

Like gingivitis, periodontitis is typically painless, and by the time subjects grow conscious of problems, usually teeth growing extremely loose and tend to shift out of adjustment severe harm has been done. If found early, most periodontitis operations are successful.

According to the mainstream dental neighborhood, there is only one primary reason and one path for periodontal infection. This is what they think:
• Everyone’s mouth is full of bacteria
• Mucous that coats our teeth joins with bacteria to create plaque
• If plaque is not cleaned and flossed aside every day, it changes into tartar
• Tartar brings more bacteria, appearing in more tartar
• Tartar and bacteria produce contamination of the gums
• Openings develop in the gums and are incapable of holding your teeth
• Tartar cannot be wiped away; a dentist must remove it.
• Oral cleanliness and dental sanitation are the only protection toward gum disease

How Is CBD Helpful?

Cannabinoids are biochemicals with a distinguished anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial impact.

When endocannabinoids are injured or blocked from working in the body, the heart suffers.

CBD, one of the cannabinoids, is accessible from the hemp plant. It is not THC, which is a new cannabinoid composite that is the active element in cannabis.
cbd-oil-logo_1Cannabidiol has no or minimal psychoactive outcomes or deadly effects.

CBD has been said to provide the elements an individual’s body needs to help with the gum disease.

Researchers are finding new data as each day goes by. Cannabinoids are active receptors in the hemp plant.

Elimination of the jaw in periodontitis is linked to particular nasties creating infection in the tissues and bone, along with swelling and absorption of bone.

A Recent study in animals has confirmed that:

CBD will reduce this swelling and block damage of the jaw that is a portion of the infected area. It is likely that supplemental CBD could enhance restorative and periodontal therapy by decreasing these damaging changes effected by severe gum disease.

Ref Study:

So….starting right away……when you brush your teeth, consider adding a drop or two of CBD oil to your toothpaste! It could save your gums and jaw!  Order yours today –


I am an entrepreneur mom of 3 with a passion to see others step up and make their life a success. I thrive in the hustle of providing for my family as the sole earner in my household. This is the time for us to rise and let them know that we CAN do this...and WE WILL!

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