Posted in Business Opportunity, Motivation, Style Trend

Sorry…and Thank You

Well, I am sorry!!  I haven’t been active in here much, so much has gone on in my life…which is now getting resolved, leveling out, and finding its place!  But, I have greater than great news…and you will want to hear all about it!  Where to begin….

Professionally, my business has totally taken off and wow, busy is an understatement.  I know that some of you have dropped in and supported me in my Piphany boutique venture.  And, it is so appreciated, you all ROCK!!  Did you see those giveaways…wow, you all helped to raise my business to another level and build my team…and I am so blessed….thank you from the bottom of my heart!!  But, anyways…let’s talk about some newness….

WooHoo…Classy Chix Galleria has taken on a new adventure, Piphany has come out with lots of releases (I will catch you up)…and mentoring has started taking off.  So, where to begin…

Change, that is where we will begin.  Change is one of those things that not everyone handles well, but I am learning that when the world has placed you where you need to be (and should be) – on your path, it seems easier to pick up and go with things!!  I love being with a company that makes adjustments and I realized today that people are human…everyone makes mistakes, it’s how we let it affect our lives that matters!  So, let’s just say that there is a saying I love…about change…  “The only way to  make sense out of change is to jump into, move with it, and join the dance”, that is a quote from Alan W. Watts.  So, are you up against a change where you are in life?  Maybe taking a step back would be a benefit, prior to reacting.  Lesson learned, all to late, for some…but learned just the same.  Thank you for allowing me the sanity to remind myself that change is the only constant and that without it, we may be headed in the wrong direction!  So, enough of all that…let’s talk about the releases from Piphany – in fact join us on our FB page (Friday Night Live is a hoot!) –

See you all in a bit!


person holding clear ball in shallow focus photography
Photo by McKylan Mullins on



I am an entrepreneur mom of 3 with a passion to see others step up and make their life a success. I thrive in the hustle of providing for my family as the sole earner in my household. This is the time for us to rise and let them know that we CAN do this...and WE WILL!

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